So for the last week and a half John and I knew someone was trying to break into our house. At night we would be laying in bed and hear a strange scratching sound. Many times John got up with nothing in hands to fight off any crazy people, only to come back still empty handed not knowing what the noise is. The other night it was very consistent. We finally came to the conclusion that there was something in our chimney, but what?.... a cat, a raccoon, a bat, a bird. What in the world is it? John called an exterminator to get rid of the rodent or crazy animal.
This morning I was in the living room playing with Canyon. The noise changed. Canyon and I looked over in the direction of the fireplace to only learn that the noise are baby birds that hatched sometime last night. Oh now we can't get the exterminator. What kind of people kill baby birds. On the plus side will now have a built in alarm clock. The sweet sounds of birds in spring time.
This last week John went to Moab with his brothers. John as you know has been trying to get everyone he comes in contact with to become a road or mountain biker. I think he may have succeeded with his 3 brothers.

Canyon sure loves the outdoors. Here are some of our playtime outside today.