Sunday, March 21, 2010

Canyon's big head

You know those caricatures that artists do at Disney Land of people and make their heads really big... Well apparently Canyon in real life is not to far off from that. That won Canyon a ticket to PCMC for an sedated MRI of his head. Working at Primary's is a blessing and a curse. I have seen so many babies with neurological problems and lots of hospitalizations and surgeries. So when Canyon's doctor says he needs an MRI I jump to the worse case scenario. But on the other hand I am at peace because my little person is meeting his developmental milestones. I have helped sedate and recover hundreds and hundreds of babies over the years but this is a new experience I hope not to live again. It is totally different when it is your own baby. So on Tuesday I will be at Primary's not as a nurse, but as a nervous mother watching her sweet, perfect, amazing person being sedated and put in an MRI machine.


  1. Oh Tammy he's absolutely beautiful. I know he's a boy, but seriously those eyes are killer! I'm so so sorry about the sedated MRI. I know that you've seen hundreds if not thousands of sedations so you know how it all works, but I completely know how you feel! When Blake had to get his scope in January I about lost it. We'll be praying for you! Please let us know how it goes. He'll do great. Miss you!

  2. Thanks Lindy. You are amazing. I wrote a comment on your blog about our obsession JCrew.

  3. Good luck with the MRI! It's got to be a little scary to be the mom and not the nurse! Canyon is beautiful (and I think he looks just like you!). Love you tons and you'll be in our prayers!
