Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Still going strong

Today is day 17 with no sugar. It is getting easier. Now I am over the headaches and the tiredness. All though I still think about it throughout the day. Just last Friday at work I went down to the cafeteria to grab breakfast. Three weeks ago my usual was cream of wheat with a Bradbury cross donut, milk and maybe some bacon. I know not the most nutritious breakfast. So last Friday I went down to get my usual without the donut. As I was walking into the cafeteria the sweet aroma of fresh Bradbury donuts filled the whole place. I walked around the display of the oh so heavenly donuts. I thought to myself "I could get one eat it really fast, no one would have to know, I can cheat because I am doing this for me, right?, no one has to know..." I walked around the display three times debating. My devil on one shoulder and my angel on the other. It was one of the most difficult days yet. I listened to my angel and resisted the temptation, because I am doing this for me and it is about time I really do something 100%, no cheats, no excuses, no regrets.


  1. Great job, Tammy! You're an inspiration and an example to us all. Because of you, I've been trying to do better, too. However, you're a better woman than I am, as I caved, and bought a donut this morning.

  2. You are amazing!!!!!!! Hit day 21 and it's supposed to be a habit. Haha. Keep up the good work. You were there when they put my on that freaking elimination diet! It was so hard, and then suddenly I stopped thinking about it! I started liking finding different things to eat and I felt so so so good! I still try to eat that way, though I'm definitely not as strict as I used to be! When I craved a treat I ate apple slices dipped in peanut butter with a little honey or peppermint herbal tea with sweetener. I know it probably doesn't sound good to you, but it's wonderful when you can't eat! :)

  3. Good for you for resisting. Now next time you have a similar sugary temptation, you'll be able to draw on this victory and the decision to pass on the sugar will be easier.
