I may be having baby Bridger very soon. I am progressing along and with my busy shifts at work that may very well put me into labor. I am not too pleased with this. Both my OB and Pediatrician are out of town for the week and I really really want them here for the birth. So if anyone reads this send positive thoughts my way.
We are preparing for baby and so we took the side rail off of Canyon's crib. Bad idea. He fell out about six times. Finally by 4 am I told John to put the rail back on. The next day Canyon remembered his eventful night. He stated "fell out of bed, Canyon sad". So needless to say we have the rail on the crib. My brother and sister in law gave us their toddler bed and we have successfully transitioned Canyon to the bed. But now the problem is he gets up out of bed numerous times in the morning.... very very early morning. How do we keep a 2 year old in is bed until a more appropriate time???? Help!

Canyon turned 2 on June 11th. We didn't have a huge party. We kept is incredibly small. Canyon had lots of fun.

Yum Yum.

His favorite part of the party. His new Thomas the train set. He can't go anywhere without that train. Thanks Mom.

Canyon is fasinated with bugs. He found a bunch of ants and then tried to picked them up to eat them. No no bugs are not for eating.

He loves my head bands.

My brother dropped off the toddler bed. As he was driving away he ran completely over Canyon's favorite bike. He flattened it into a metal pancake. I am so grateful Canyon was not on the bike but oh that was one sad event. Now Canyon says "bike smooched, fix it, Canyon sad". The look on Canyon's face explains how he feels.

Hiking with daddy
Those bike pictures are so sad! I can't believe you're having another one so soon! I really hope your docs make it! I can't wait to see pictures of your new little Bridger.