Monday, November 15, 2010
Happy LATE Halloween!!
Happy Halloween. Sorry I have been enjoying Canyon so much that blogging was last on my mind. He is amazing and sweet. Our new thing is I pretend I am asleep and he will come kiss my lips until I wake up. Needless to say I do it all the time to get kisses from my little dude.
For Halloween my little fam went to my brother in laws house for his birthday/halloween party which he holds almost every year. This year I was the fancy feast cat and John.... well you can see for yourself who he was, and my sweet little one was a brown bear. We ate amazing authentic mexican food and afterwards went trick or treating. Canyon didn't get it. He wanted to play with the decorations on people porches so we called it a night and didn't drag Canyon house to house for something he didn't care about.

Oh how my Canyon loves to wear pretty things. He usually wears my pearls but today he went for momma's shoes.
For Halloween my little fam went to my brother in laws house for his birthday/halloween party which he holds almost every year. This year I was the fancy feast cat and John.... well you can see for yourself who he was, and my sweet little one was a brown bear. We ate amazing authentic mexican food and afterwards went trick or treating. Canyon didn't get it. He wanted to play with the decorations on people porches so we called it a night and didn't drag Canyon house to house for something he didn't care about.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
first haircuts and swollen lips
It has been about a month since I last posted. I am eating sugar unfortunately. I am trying not to consume as much as I had, but it is difficult especially at work. I am enjoying Canyon so much. I hate that I work three 12 hours shifts in a row. I miss Canyon so much that it could bring me to tears if I allowed it to. I work a weekend contract, so I work every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come Monday I am exhausted and all I want to do it cuddle with my main little man. Speaking of my little dude here are some cute pictures.

Three people who saw this picture said Canyon looked like a girl. I suppose it is time to cut a LITTLE off of his hair. Little being the key word.

Yes he looks worried. Maybe he was feeding off of me. With each cut I cringed. She cut off a lot of his curls. I am so sad.

After. The girl cut his hair straight across his face. No no, I could have done that. Well I did do that. So for the next little while he will get his hair combed to the side.

My sister Shani is going to Bulgaria on October 9th to meet her new little daughter. She won't get to bring her home for a few months. This is so exciting. I can't wait to hug my new little ragamuffin gypsy niece, Siska. The little ones name is Yonka. Shannon wanted to keep some of her Bulgarian name so she came up with the name Siska. Siska is an orphan gypsy.

Today Canyon was playing on the drive way. He was so excited when the garbage truck went by that he fell right on his face. He now has a swollen lip.

Canyon is a model.
Lovin momma. This is what he does at the grocery store. But more intense. He eats and kisses my face. I LOVE to go to the store.
Yes he looks worried. Maybe he was feeding off of me. With each cut I cringed. She cut off a lot of his curls. I am so sad.
After. The girl cut his hair straight across his face. No no, I could have done that. Well I did do that. So for the next little while he will get his hair combed to the side.
My sister Shani is going to Bulgaria on October 9th to meet her new little daughter. She won't get to bring her home for a few months. This is so exciting. I can't wait to hug my new little ragamuffin gypsy niece, Siska. The little ones name is Yonka. Shannon wanted to keep some of her Bulgarian name so she came up with the name Siska. Siska is an orphan gypsy.
Today Canyon was playing on the drive way. He was so excited when the garbage truck went by that he fell right on his face. He now has a swollen lip.
Monday, September 13, 2010
I am done with the no sugar menu. I did it. I feel great. I unfortunately went a little over board this weekend at work. I worked 3 12 hours shifts in a row. That set me up for failure. After my indulgence on Saturday I felt yucky. I had a headache, I was exhausted, and my belly was nauseous. As far as my goals for the no sugar menu I didn't loose a single pound, but I feel better so that is all that matters, right?
I promise my next post will have pictures of my most amazing little person.
I promise my next post will have pictures of my most amazing little person.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Still going strong
Today is day 17 with no sugar. It is getting easier. Now I am over the headaches and the tiredness. All though I still think about it throughout the day. Just last Friday at work I went down to the cafeteria to grab breakfast. Three weeks ago my usual was cream of wheat with a Bradbury cross donut, milk and maybe some bacon. I know not the most nutritious breakfast. So last Friday I went down to get my usual without the donut. As I was walking into the cafeteria the sweet aroma of fresh Bradbury donuts filled the whole place. I walked around the display of the oh so heavenly donuts. I thought to myself "I could get one eat it really fast, no one would have to know, I can cheat because I am doing this for me, right?, no one has to know..." I walked around the display three times debating. My devil on one shoulder and my angel on the other. It was one of the most difficult days yet. I listened to my angel and resisted the temptation, because I am doing this for me and it is about time I really do something 100%, no cheats, no excuses, no regrets.
Monday, August 16, 2010
No Sugar... WHAT!!!
As of one week ago today I have been sugar free. For the last 15 years of my life my relationship with sugar has been one of obsession and complete indulgence whenever and wherever possible. I do not have a healthy relationship with sugar. Easily half of my caloric intake a day was filled with sugar. I was obsessed with sugar. The second my eyes would open in the morning I wanted sugar.
A friend of mine said she feels so yucky when she eats a lot of sugar. I don't know what my body feels like off of it. So I decided to go sugar free for one month and see if my body likes it. I hope that at the end of the month I no longer will be a sugarholic. My goals for this new menu are...
1: loose as much weight as possible before John and I have another baby.
2: no longer NEED to eat a treat... after every meal, between meals and as a meal.
3: have more energy.
So far I am doing really well. I have not had sugar with the exception of my birthday I ate a piece of cake. I haven't felt a positive difference yet, I am tired and have headaches but soon I will turn the corner and start feeling better, I hope. Wish me luck!
A friend of mine said she feels so yucky when she eats a lot of sugar. I don't know what my body feels like off of it. So I decided to go sugar free for one month and see if my body likes it. I hope that at the end of the month I no longer will be a sugarholic. My goals for this new menu are...
1: loose as much weight as possible before John and I have another baby.
2: no longer NEED to eat a treat... after every meal, between meals and as a meal.
3: have more energy.
So far I am doing really well. I have not had sugar with the exception of my birthday I ate a piece of cake. I haven't felt a positive difference yet, I am tired and have headaches but soon I will turn the corner and start feeling better, I hope. Wish me luck!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
July tidbits and fun
This month has been full of fun. So bare with me and this huge post.
Canyon eating and loving the first cucumber out of my most amazing garden.

My mother in law plans a girls day out every week for all the women and kids in the family. This day we enjoyed the sun and water at the Gateway. Canyon was lovin' the water and the carrot.
Canyon eating and loving the first cucumber out of my most amazing garden.
Canyon and the Rogers Neighborhood is supporting Megan (my sis-in-law) as she is off to Brazil to serve a mission. Go team BRAZIL!!
My mother in law plans a girls day out every week for all the women and kids in the family. This day we enjoyed the sun and water at the Gateway. Canyon was lovin' the water and the carrot.
After the fun day at the Gateway I was off to girls camp. This is a picture of camp Piuta. Gorgeous huh!
The next time Canyon and I made it to the outings was at the Zoo. Canyon loves sunglasses. I am sure happy that Cat got her glasses back. (This is Cat my sis-in-law). We didn't last long. Canyon had an extremely short attention span and I was getting sick. I got so sick with food poisoning or some nasty virus. My stomach hurt so bad that I couldn't even stand up straight or pick up Canyon. Good thing I have a great sister and she came at got Canyon so I could get better.
24th of July fun in Bountiful. I thought the 24th of July parade in SLC was a big deal. But Bountiful puts that parade to shame. The 24th is a huge thing here. They celebrate the 24th the whole weekend. With parades and pioneer games and fireworks. Canyon enjoyed going on the swings. But first he had to get acquainted with the swing.
Then we were off to Jackson Hole for a family vacation with my fam. Canyon was such a trooper. He certainly doesn't like the 5 hour car ride. He did manage to get a 20 minute nap.
Good moring in Jackson. He sure got a lot of love and attention.
(Aurelia, Canyon, and Shani)
Me and Canyon on Jenny lake. I was so surprised that Canyon didn't try to jump out of the kayak. He really loved it but the life jacket was too big and that bugged him enough not to want to paddle around too long.
Canyon fell down the stairs in Jackson. There was a couch cushion blocking the stairs and my little muscle man pushed right through it and his face kissed the cushion, as you can see from the sore on his nose. But then he fell right on top of his head and flipped over and slid down a few stairs before I was able to get him. I hated to see him so sad, this is when I wish I had mommy magic power to take away the hurt.
He fell asleep for a total of 30 minutes on the way home. I didn't want to wake him so I let the milk dry on his chin.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Mini John
John bought Canyon a bike helmet for when we take Canyon out. Canyon has such a big head that his helmet is a youth size. But he sure looks cute in the helmet or hat as he calls it.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My poor little dude has his first diaper rash. I am so sad. His bum is seeping and oozing almost on the verge of bleeding. I don't know how this happened. Three days ago he was just red and then all of a sudden his skin was totally broken down. I sure hope that my skills learned at PCMC will help me heal his bum bum quickly. Part of the healing process is letting his rear get some air on it. So yesterday I let Canyon play outside bare bummed and all.
He loved the feel of freedom and air down there.
He loved the feel of freedom and air down there.
That he peed
Today we played out side in Canyons little pool. Canyon naked and me... well not so naked. I don't think the neighbors would appreciate that.
This is just a cute pic.
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